Call Kathy @ 614.698.8820 or Marnie @ 614.506.4034
Call Kathy @ 614.698.8820 or Marnie @ 614.506.4034
RHK is a small business in the Columbus/Sunbury/Delaware area operated by myself and my awesome husband Aaron and best friend Kathy. All three of us grew up in multi-generational dog, horse, cattle breeding families. Our educational paths and in mine and Kathy's cases, our outside jobs have all been geared towards improving and making us the best breeders and trainers possible.
Both Aaron and I are veterans during Desert Storm. I then continued on in law enforcement while attending college for first veterinary science then transferred to genetics while Aaron went to trade & customer service school. We met at a science fiction fan club that I had joined with my dog and was married within the year. Aaron asked me to run the dog business full time while he assisted with the kennel and worked outside the business for insurance and steady capitol. The years from our family combined with the years of our marriage has added up to a combine 80 years of experience with the GSD and dog training. That is not counting the formal and continuing education through OFA, AKC and SchutzhundUSA.
Our clients become part of our big extended RHK family. We strive to give high quality customer service, the most current, correct and verified advice on all aspects of dogs and training. We believe in love, integrity and honor. We will always be their for our clients even years down the road. You can rest assured we will do our best to care for your needs and desires in dogs and training. We are a bit old fashion that we believe in taking care of the customer rather then making a "quick buck". We run our business the right way and have many, many repeat clients to prove that over the years.
I am the owner, Head Trainer and Breeding manager of RHK. I am a complete nerd over dogs and animals. I have devoted my entire life into learning and improving my skills as a trainer and breeder. My brain type, like Temple Grandin's, is uniquely designed to have the best insight into animal behavior. I specialize in advance training s
I am the owner, Head Trainer and Breeding manager of RHK. I am a complete nerd over dogs and animals. I have devoted my entire life into learning and improving my skills as a trainer and breeder. My brain type, like Temple Grandin's, is uniquely designed to have the best insight into animal behavior. I specialize in advance training such as tracking, Schutzhund, Service dog and other fun fields.
The Superhero of RHK. He is the main owner, RHK Trainer Coach, RHK Protection Helper and Trainer, and Business manager. This man puts an incredible amount of hours, blood and sweat into making our kennel and training programs successful. His steadfastness and strength keeps everyone grounded.
She is an excellent all breed trainer, RHK manager/owner, excelling in AKC showing and obedience. Her breed are the Shelties and like her dogs, Kathy is a fun and sweet personality who will get you where you want to go in AKC and pet dog obedience.
She is a rock solid trainer who is invaluable in helping with our protection dog clients. Her area of expertise is helping owners with fear aggressive problems and other severe behavioral issues.